I finally did it, bought my first carry gun and if you read any of the previous post you will probably be surprised by what I went with…
The smith and Wesson M&P compact .40sw, it is larger than what I was really thinking of getting but after running a few mags through it I was very happy with my decision. Getting a gun with a longer barrel and a full grip was good decision, it is easier to control than any of the subcompacts and honestly doesn’t lose that much concealable quality that the shields and other subcompacts have. Originally my plan was to go with a 9mm for the capacity and I still think that is the best round to go with, but with two double stack magazine the 13 +1 that comes with this handgun is more than enough to get the job done.
Now the reason I went with this gun isn’t really that hard to explain, it was on sale. One of the reason I liked the subcompacts was the price and how concealable they are.. These two combined makes it seem like the obvious choice for a first time carry gun, and it probably still is. With that said the $200 mark down on the sibling of the shield was too good to pass up. I’ve been carrying for a few weeks now and have become increasingly more comfortable with it on my hip out in public but with summer coming and clothing becoming more fitting to the temperature I’m sure that will change my comfort level. The only thing that gives me fits about the gun is the texture of the grip is so abrasive that it is rough on your skin and i find myself tucking my undershirt between it and my skin. I still have a long way to go in becoming the best shooter I can be and more comfortable with the handgun in general but I also have a lot of time to reach both of those. The conceal carry page will turn more into drill that I think have helped me the most and I will share the videos on here that I also think have helped the first one being a video from Guerrilla Approach on grip, I haven’t used the training target yet but plan to in the near future.