Welcome to my blog. I share my experiences in the outdoors and maybe some knowledge along the way.
YES! Guns are fun and anyone who says otherwise has never shot one. There is a reason hickok45 laughs every time he pulls the trigger. I hear the complaint of “why don’t you just admit you think shooting fun?” fromr the other side a lot. It never made a lot of sense to me why they think this is has anything to do with having the right to defend yourself but I’ll go there anyway. Before I start I understand the importance of the second amendment and a person's right to defend themselves, but some people don’t care about that. In that case I’ll show them why a person could enjoy guns outside of the ride or die second amendment perspective.
Guns, and shooting, serve purposes outside of personal defense one of those being pure enjoyment. If you have ever introduced somebody to shooting you understand what I am talking about. The first thing they do after pulling the trigger is smile and get a “holy crap” look it their eyes and you know exactly what it is they are experiencing. Seeing a clay pigeon go from a solid disk to nothing but dust is a very satisfying feeling. People like seeing things blow up, if you don’t believe that ask yourself why Michael Bay films do so well, and even more so when you’re the one pulling the trigger. After they get their fill of seeing orange clouds blow away in the win, or their shoulder gets sore, they start asking question about what you have to do to get a firearm and what you would recommend. You’ll answer all their questions and after a couple of weeks they will ask when the next time they can shoot with you is, as to not look too eager. What they are hooked on is not on the importance of self defense but on the pure joy and thrill of shooting. Reason continue other than the pure joy another one being the family bonding and tradition that is centered around firearms. Whether it be hunting or just the old rifle that has been passed down from grandpa to grandson. There is not a whole lot that millennial and our grandparents generation have in common but you can always bond over a firearm and experience you’ve had with it. You can bond over time in the field with a bird dog and an over under, teaching responsibility and the value of life. It sparks stories of the generation before you and connects you to family member you may have never known. Outside of family it creates discussions with friends about everything from your favorite carry round to why your gun sucks compared to the one your friend has, or the gun of the guy at the bar next to you has who jumps into your conversation with you. You become apart of one of the closest knit communities that share common interest and values stretching many different demographic. Giving you a way to connect to people who you otherwise would have nothing in common with. Guns serve a purpose outside of the original writing of the second amendment. It continues tradition, creates bonds, and sure, they are straight up just fun to shoot.