Why I Do This


The obsession began....

I, like many others, grew up hunting in the Midwest with my father, Uncles and cousins. My first experience with any type of real gun started with a BB gun that I received as present as a young kid. My grandpa would take me squirrel hunting knowing full well a five year old with a BB gun has no real shot, or attention span for that matter, to kill a squirrel. From the BB gun I moved a .20 gauge shot gun which I killed my first deer at the age of 12 alongside my father. The experience of killing a deer was not only exciting but extremely humbling and only fueled my love for being in the field and around firearms even more. The next big experience for me was for a few years later when i was in high school going through my dads gun cabinet while getting choke tubes ready for turkey season. I stumbled upon an old single shot .22 bolt action rifle, which I would come to learn was giving to me by my grandpa when I was born against my anti-gun mothers wishes.

Image from iCollector.com

Image from iCollector.com


Through these experiences my passion for firearms grew. I slowly began to learn the ins and outs of every gun I could fine on Hickok45's YouTube channel. I started not knowing the difference between a .223 and 30-06 to being able to tell people why I would go with a shield over a Glock 43, mainly being everyone has a Glock so why would I. Although I was still learning, and still am, I found myself in discussions with friends through which I discovered were under educated on firearms and their use in every day life. Instead of annoying friends with endless rants that they can't fact check I made this website to educate myself and others on the issue I care most about. I hope you enjoy your time here and maybe help educate me as well.