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Bad Advice

If you have been on twitter at all today you maybe noticed an advice piece that ran on live well Nebraska about a father who is concerned that his 24 year old daughter brought home a gun, “for emergency only".” the father goes on to call the weapon “not a normal gun” it being a “.40 caliber semi-automatic".” already you can tell that this man clearly has no idea what he is talking about, considering that .40SW is one of the most popular handgun rounds in the country and every handgun, outside of revolvers, is a semi-auto. If this isn’t bad enough the advice giver, Amy Dickenson, goes on to say that hollow point ammunition is is “exploding ammunition” so clearly she has no idea what she is talking about. As we all know hollow point is often used for self-defense rounds because it expands on contact making pass through less likely, making it less likely that a by stander is hit after a pass through.

What i see as the real problem here is not only that these are people who have the very little if any knowledge about firearms saying this girl shouldn’t have one, but that this father is shaming his daughter for taking her personal safety seriously. Instead of teaching his daughter gun safety at a young age and helping her become comfortable around guns, he instead shames her for doing this exact thing on her own. Hopefully his daughter realizes how big of a fool dad is and continues to carry even with his disapproval. Maybe she can teach him about gun safety and general firearm knowledge like any dad should have, sounds like a good fathers day weekend to me. Along with that I hope she passes down firearm safety to her future children and show them there is nothing to be scared of if you are safe and responsible with your fire arms

You can check out the piece here:
